Jud. Iasi
L-S 07:30 - 18:00 | D 07:30 - 14:00
Cerere oferta
Jud. Iasi
L-S 07:30 - 18:00 | D 07:30 - 14:00
Oferim servicii de
Dezinfectie Covid-19
Se poate face ori de cite ori este nevoie, folosind substante dezinfectante cu actiune directa asupra virusului
Oferim servicii de
Dezinfectie • Dezinsectie • Deratizare
Folosim aparatura moderna de ultima generatie: termonebulizatoare, nebulizatoare , atomizoare ULV, generatoare de ozon, pulverizatoare manuale.
Cu peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniu

Servicii DDD Iasi

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Atat membrii echipei noastre, cat si colaboratorii nostri sunt informati si instruiti periodic despre noile metode si masuri de combatere si prevenire a daunatorilor. Datorita motivelor mentionate, am reusit sa ne ridicam la standardele cele mai inalte cerute de catre clientii nostrii.


Societate comerciala, infiintata in anul 1999, va ofera servicii profesionale de decontaminare a mediului prin metode sigure, eficiente si de inalta calitate. Executam lucrari specifice cu substante chimice biodegradabile, avizate de Ministerul Sanatatii, nu sunt periculoase pentru om si animale.

Firma este certificata si autorizata pentru servicii Dezinfectie, Dezinsectie si Deratizare. O echipa de profesionisti va sta la dispozitie pentru:
  • Persoane fizice
  • Asociatii de proprietari
  • Agenti economici
  • Institutii publice
Acasa la tine

Acțiunea de dezinfecție are ca scop decontaminarea mediului, prevenirea si combaterea transmiterii bolilor infecțioase atât la om cât și la animale prin diferite metode.

de animale
In compania ta

Planificare: actiunea de dezinfectie / dezinsectie este recomandata din 3 in 3 luni la unitatile cu profil alimentar sau de cite ori situatia o impune. Actiunea de dezinfectie / dezinsectie trebuie repetata periodic pentru a evita riscul apariției si transmiterii unor bolilor infectioase.

Oferim servicii de
Dezinfecție Covid-19

Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) este un virus care provoacă o boală respiratorie acută, infectioasa (pandemie), care se transmite de la o persoană la alta atunci când nu se respecta anumite masuri care au rolul de a preveni si combate transmiterea bolii: vaccinarea, limitarea circulatiei, distantarea sociala, masuri de igiena personala, etc. Din cauza raspandirii rapide si necontrolate, există riscul crescut de contaminare cu virus a aerului din spatii inchise (prin stranut sau tuse) sau a suprafetelor si obiectelor atinse frecvent.

Solicita Pret

se poate face ori de cite ori este nevoie, folosind substante dezinfectante cu actiune directa asupra virusului

Important Information

Leaders in the Sanitizing Industry

Our Employees

Our pay rates are higher than industry standards for the best employees.

Our Training

All of our employees receive cleaning methods and equipment training.

Our Services

We provide a wide array of professional cleaning services perfect.


We conduct frequent quality control inspections to ensure the best services.

Get The Best
Sanitizing Services
Our expert cleaners are carefully selected and then fully trained to give them a deep.
Our Mission

We are committed to providing the quality service available by exceeding the expectations of our clients, as well as their employees improvements in Productivity.

Vision Statement

We are constantly working to be recognized by our clients, employees and the industry as the most respected and the leading provider of contract cleaning services.

Our Core Values
  • Respect: taking time to understand and value each person and respecting their choices.
  • Responsibility: acting with integrity towards our staff, our customers, the community and the environment.
  • Excellence: to always look to provide the best quality experience with regards to our cleaning and our customer service.
  • Innovation: to be industry leaders.
Choosing a Service You Trust

Are you bothered about choosing the best home cleaning service because you do not know which to trust? We are certain about the fact that you want the best services, which is why we are here for you. We are experts, and we don’t want you to go through the stress of surfing the internet without getting any result; this could be annoying, and we know that.

Certified Cleaning and Sanitizing Technicians

All of our experts are certified surgical cleaning technicians. This is a very comprehensive healthcare cleaning certification by the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE). By holding these janitorial licenses, we are able to maintain proper upkeep for every medical office.

This allows us to provide state-of-the-art care in operating rooms, common areas, and health labs. With an entire personnel of CSCT professionals, we maintain an edge as the leading service provider in the medical cleaning industry.

What to Expect
Ready for Your Home or Office
to Feel Rejuvenated?
Our team is well trained and highly qualified experts in professional cleaning and disinfect services to keep all types of premises clean and safe. We segment our services under six segments to make it easier for you to choose!
  • Customized Cleaning Schedule
  • Security Protection
  • Trusted & experienced
  • 24-Hour warranty
  • Client Support
Get a Price Quote Today!

Trust us with all of your commercial
or residential sanitizing needs.

0757 33 33 00